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Blog #9- Response to Chapter 10

In class when Mat told us to start thinking about the multigenre project I started freaking out on the inside. I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do for the project. After showing us a couple of examples I slowly understood what I wanted to do, but it was not enough to calm me down. One of the biggest fears I had was connecting the second project with the third.

My second project was about the Hispanic community in Tallahassee (the focus was on the members of HLSU) and how language has impacted the members of the community. After reading chapter 10 of the Bedford Book of Genres gave a five-step guide on how to assemble the project. In the beginning, the authors of the book gave us three things to consider when starting the project; furthering your purpose, reaching your audience, and using rhetorical appeals.

Once I saw the examples the book gave, I came up with a few ideas of the project. As a result, I think an Instagram page with quotes on either language or a speaker who talks about language barrier is a good idea. I could also advertise events to meet other Hispanics.

I am still nervous about this project, but I feel a little more confident now that I have a better understanding of what to do.

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